white and black dice on green table


Poker Games

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$4-$8 Omaha H & H/L (Thursdays):
Minimum buy-in: $40
Blinds 2-3. Hi/Lo split requires three distinct cards on the board of  8 or better to qualify for a low hand.

TEXAS HOLD ‘EM Games Offered

$3-$100 Spread-Limit Hold ’em:

Minimum buy-in: $40, Max buy-in: $500, Blinds 2-3

$5-$200 Spread-Limit Hold ’em:

Minimum buy-in: $100, Max buy-in: $1,000, Blinds 3-5

Texas Hold’em
Game Description:

Hold’em (also known as Texas Hold’em) is a variation of 7-card Stud. Instead of seven individual cards, each player is dealt two hole cards. Five community cards are then turned up on the table. As in Stud, Hold’em has structured betting. Spread-limit games may be offered.

Hold’em uses a flat disc called a dealer button to indicate the player, who in theory, dealt the cards for that hand. The button (player with the dealer button in his position) is the last to receive cards on the initial deal and has the right of last action on all betting rounds except the first. One or more blind bets are used to simulate action and initiate play. Blinds are posted by players who sit in consecutive clockwise order from the button. Action is initiated on the first betting round by the player on the immediate left of the person who posted the furthest blind (called the big blind) clockwise from the button. On all subsequent betting rounds, the action is begun by the first active player clockwise from the button.

In Texas Hold’em, a player receives two down cards as his initial hand. There is a round of betting after these cards are delivered. Three board cards are turned over simultaneously (which is called “the flop”). They are community cards available to all players. Another round of betting occurs. The next two board cards are turned up one at a time, with a round of betting after each one. After the final round of betting has been completed, a player may use any combination of five cards (two from his hand or one from his hand and four from the board) to determine his best five-card hand. Players may use all of the board cards, which is termed “playing the board”, and each must announce he/she is playing the board before mucking his hand.

Ranking of hands:

  • Royal Flush
  • Straight Flush
  • Four of a Kind
  • Full House
  • Flush
  • Straight
  • Three-of-a-Kind
  • Two Pair
  • One Pair
  • High Card

A new player entering any game has three options: he may be dealt right in, he may take the big blind in position, or he may post the amount of the big blind if he is directly in front of the button. If he posts the blind in front of the button, it will jump him to the next hand.

If a player leaves the table for any reason and the blind(s) pass his position, he may resume play by posting the total number of blinds or wait for the big blind. If he chooses to post, the small blind is dead money and is moved to the center of the pot while the big blind is live.

The dealer button always moves forward, and the blinds adjust accordingly.

Players who have not taken the big blind may move away from the blind and have two options: post the big blind; it is live, or wait and be dealt back in on the same position.

Player who are dealt less cards than called for receive a card from the top of the deck after the deal is complete. If a player is dealt an additional card, one card at random is retrieved by the floor person, turned face up, and used as the first burn card. If it is discovered after substantial action, all monies, antes, and blinds are forfeited by that player, and his hand is declared dead.

If the flop has too many cards, it will be taken back, except for the burn card, and reshuffled. No new burn card will be used.

If cards are flopped by the dealer before all betting is complete, the entire flop is taken back and reshuffled. The burn card will remain, and no additional burn card will be used for this flop.

If the dealer turns up the fourth card on the board before action is completed, the card does not play. After completion of the action, the next card is burned and the fifth card is put in the fourth cards place. After the action is completed, the dealer will reshuffle the deck, including the card that was taken out of play but not the burn card or discards. The dealer will then turn the fifth card with no additional burn card.

If the fifth card is turned up before betting is complete, it shall be reshuffled in the same manner as in the previous rule.

A card exposed by the dealer on the initial deal will be replaced after all other cards are dealt, and the exposed card will be used as the burn card.

A card dealt off the table is treated as an exposed card.

If a card is exposed because it came in contact with the player it was intended for, the player must keep the card.

Game Description:

Omaha is a form of Texas Hold’em, except players are dealt four down cards (hole cards) as their initial starting hands. A round of betting occurs. There are three additional betting rounds: after the flop, turn, and river cards. The five board cards are community cards that belong to all active players. A player must use exactly two cards from his hole cards and three cards from the board to produce his best five-card hand.

Hand rankings are the same as Texas Hold’em.

Omaha High-Low Split
Game Description:

Played the same as Omaha. Players may interchange hole cards being played and board cards being played, as long as they only use two hole cards for each high hand and each low hand. The best high hand and best low hand split the pot. An eight or better is needed to qualify for low. If there is no low hand, the best high hand wins the entire pot.

Hand rankings are the same as in Hold’em for High and H/L split for low.

High-Low (H/L) Split Games

When playing any H/L split game, there is an 8 or better qualifier for low. That means that three of the five board cards have to be an 8 or less. There must be three different cards 8 or under. Each player must use a total of five cards 8 and under to qualify for a low hand.


Board Cards are Q 10 7 7 6 – no low is possible because there are only two different low cards.

Board Cards are: K 8 9 2 5 – there is a low possibility. The best low available would be if a player had an Ace and 3 in his/her hand.

Hand Rankings:

The best low hand is 5-4-3-2-A, second is 6-4-3-2-A, third is 6-5-3-2-A, etc. 7-6-4-3-2- is better (lower) than a 7-6-5-2-A.

Straights and flushes do not count against the players low hand.

» Download a printable glossary of poker terms (PDF)

House Rules

  • Players must protect their hand at all times.
  • All games are table stakes.
  • All chips must be kept in plain view.
  • If you return to the same game within one half hour of cashing out, your buy-in must be equal to the amount you took off the table when you left the game.
  • Cash is not permitted on the table.
  • Check and raise is permitted.
  • A bet and three raises is allowed.
  • Racks are not permitted on the table.
  • Only one person may play a hand.
  • Players must always keep their cards in full view and on/over the table.
  • Verbal declaration out of turn MAY be binding.
  • Declaration in turn binding.
  • “Rabbit hunting” is not allowed.
  • Lobby time 20 minutes per 2 hours.
  • Both decks must make a complete round before changing.
  • NO foul language.
  • Management has the right to close any game at any time.
  • Floor persons decision is final.

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